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Pages: 1
I pretty excited I just put on a lonestar racing grill insert that i got for Christmas. I know its not much but i did it by my self and I'm not that mechanical but I'm trying to learn as i go i will post some pictures but my camera had a dead battery.
I just have a question on fog lights. I what to know how many watts can I run with out having to upgrade my battery or get a alternator. I don't know that much a bought this kind of stuff so any help would be great.
do she have a website or a phone number.
thanks for your help guys i will look in to that.
I was wondering if anyone knows about doing a vinyl wrap on a rhino. i have talk to a couple of guys that have tried to do it but it turned out looking really bad, one guy try to do it him self and the one guy paid a vinyl company to do it. both of them ended up pulling the wrap off. I want the custom paint look but i use my rhino in the mountains so i think that vinyl will not scratch like paint will so if any one can help me out that would be get. thanks for the help. if possible some shops close to salt lake city. peace.
i was just wandering if i could keep up with you guys. i have a stock rhino 450. i took it to moab right after i got it but we just took it on the easy trails. or if you had any suggestions on some mods that would help me out.
Pages: 1