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#1 Re: General Arctic Cat Prowler Discussion » No Spark...HELP » 2008-08-07 11:01:32

I'm up and running, I went with a Dynatek cdi and I like it very much. It seemed to wake up my prowler. It lets the motor rev to 8000rpm insted of 6200rpm stock I got 54 mph and still had throttle left big_smile

#3 Re: General Arctic Cat Prowler Discussion » No Spark...HELP » 2008-07-08 19:38:06

can anybodyhelp me? I have a 06 prowler and it has no spark, I checked all wires and there are no burn marks or grounded wires everything looks  brand new. I only have 90 hours on this machine. It just quit running. Any ideas? Anybody else have any problems like this?I read something somewhere about bad coils or cdi boxes,Thanks

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