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Regarding my post on (Truth about Rhinos)!!
I don't Know how to put it on both sites(this one too). If you can transfer it to this site from your site, you are welcom to do it.. Queep8
Titan and Bradley
I just posted a response on this topic if anyone cares to read it.
thanx for the heads up. Queep8
My name is Dave. We are in central Washington State. My son got his 1st Rhino (660) in 2004. Since then we now have 9 Rhinos in the family,and three neighbors and friends have them for a totol of 12.
We ride mostly in the mountains around home all year long. We do make several trips to Idaho and Montana since there isn't a lot of places in Wash.
When my grandson 1st saw the rhino he said it reminded him of a cross between a QUAD and a JEEP. So he said lets call them QUEEPS. The name stuck, thus I am Queep8,(being the 8th one to get one). We call our group the DQC. (Damn queep club).
Have been reading side x side forum for some time now and get great information for the members posts.
We love our QUEEPS!!!!
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