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#1 Re: Yamaha Rhino Performance Mods » New intake by Fuelcustoms » 2007-05-21 09:05:31

Hey guys were almost ready to luanch our new intake system on the market. We debuted it at the Extreme Motorports EXpo this weekend in Costa Mesa CA.. It should be avalible in mid june or early july.

Its a true cold air intake system, Its semi adjustable for different engine packages. (Get more into that later) Its probably the easiest to clean out of alll the intales on the market. You just have to take three bolts out and the intake cover off and pull the filter out. No removing the seats or anything else. I will have some numbers on the performance side up shortly. one important aspect of this intake that we wanted was to make it as quite as possible. We have done this by drawing the air from the back of the box and messing with some noise supression materials. One of the miost inovative intakes on the market to date.
Once we get some of our materials figured out I will have a price for you guys. It wont be the any more expensive than whats out there now!

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