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Hey man, glad to see that the both of you came through it OK!
Machines can be fixed.
My wife took a header on Labor Day....refused a helicopter ride - broken collar bone to remember the occasion.
Happened on a borrowed dirtbike no less!
I just pulled the head off of hers to rebuild it for when she's ready to ride again. 8)
Nice looking 4 Glassman's changed since then, a work in progress I suppose. I cut the cage down as a quick fix to be able to get it into the toyhauler and it has a soft top now and a bunch of other stuff....some still in boxes!
The window sure does work well though, it seals pretty tight for when it's really dusty or when I'm chasing my buddy in his sand car. Open it up just a bit and the air flows nicely.
I'm not familiar with the Coolflo, but mine is similar:
It's made by Kolpin. Works great.
Hey, thanks for the response....a lot of water has passed under the bridge since that post of mine
You should know, the 4 is as wide as the "S" in stock condition and has progressive springs in addition to the stouter 2.0 Fox shocks. The added length really does make it more stable as well as giving it a significant advantage through the whoops. The spacers give it a few more inches which does enhance it's stability. I have yet to see a RZR4 roll....and I think I've seen just about all the YouTube videos so far....however, there is a dandy of a RZR4 vs. Tree video I saw last week! The tree wins.
And I now know what you mean about the standard, 50" RZR going over when pushed...I've seen it first hand since then.
Next month's "Rally on the Rocks" should provide for some interesting footage. Too bad I can't out there, sounds like fun.
I have decided to put a different suspension under my Rzr and the lift kit will not be needed an longer. By the way, I had a lift kit on my 2008 which I rode 2860 miles and never tipped it over. I really liked how it worked and did get me up so I could go over the bigger rocks in the trail.
You would be the exception to the rule on RZRs not rolling over. Every trip I go out on with my Ranger Xp I am always tipping back over the standard rzrs, have not needed to do a Rzr-s yet though .
Not to take this completely away from the original poster's question, but do you really encounter that many flipped RZR's ?
I've seen a ton of YouTube videos of standard RZR's flipping - looks easy to do in that vehicle.
Maybe it's just the suspension and the longer wheelbase on the RZR-4 (not to mention, I added 1 1/2" spacers) but I've pushed it very hard chasing much bigger, faster cars around the desert and haven't come close to rolling. And I really do mean I've pushed it. I've hit similar corners at the same speed in dual sport cars and things break!
Anyone roll a RZR-4 :?:
The bumpers don't really add anything to the overall length, that's a good thing because there isn't much room to spare in the toyhauler!
Starting to slap a few items on 'er:
Just got the winshield on last night, no pics just yet.
Howdy Mr. K,
We hail from Southern Cal - Redondo Beach to be exact. And we like all kinds of riding.....dirt, mud, sand, water, snow - if it moves, somebody around here will hop on it!
First trip out will probably out in the desert around Cal City. We were headed for Ocotillo Wells, but plans changed.
Welcome to the forum glassman! Congrats on the RZR - did you get the RZR 4 ? Anyway, be prepared to emtpy your wallet... there are some very cool aftermarket parts/accessories available 8)
Thanks for the welcome, yes the RZR 4....guess I missed a key typing :oops: The whole fam is stoked about it too!
I tore into it yesterday, had to see her with her clothes off!:
Cleaned her up a bit...little liquid electrical tape here, a few zip ties there...some grease and a fluid check to make sure that she was prepped properly!
You ain't kidding about the spending.....I have about 10 pages of items I'm watching on eBay! :shock:
I have to pace myself though.....I need some time to go riding!
Hi guys - the new RZR, that's' what led me here.
I guess there comes a time when 4 wheels can put a new twist on things out in the desert - my wife and I have been dirtbikers for a consequence we've
added new toys as years went by. We bought a quad, "for guests" as my wife put it.
Got my daughter, then 15 and not much of a dirtbiker (her younger sister shreds, however) a little buggy which ultimately got thrashed. It was more of a toy than a vehicle and parts were never readily available. That got sold.....
And now a RZR. What a blast! I've been on-line most of my free time both before and after it got delivered last night. It boggles the mind - the amount of money that can be spent on one of these....I'm going to have to pace myself with this.
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