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Hello everyone,
I am new to this forum so I will give you a little back ground and then my recent experiences. I work for the DOD and we have several of the 2008 700 V Twin EFI Rangers. I am trying to correctly diagnose and correct the problems without throwing many not needed parts at them. We recently had one that would not idle nor would it run well between 1200 and 1900 rpm. The first issue was low fuel pressure 28psi needed to be 36 to 39 I believe or close; so new fuel pump. then 2 codes crank position sensor, and tps. we installed both and after reading many blogs took it to the local dealer. the dealer installed a new throttle body because we had adjusted the idle screw on the throttle body. we got it back yesterday and started fine idled fine, but backfired and missed between 1200 and 1900. the mechanic at the dealer said the throttle cable is sticking. I didn't beleive that would cause an issue, but it did. I replaced the cable this morning, and what a difference. but still has a little pop like a preignition firinig our the throttle body. I talked with another polairs certified mechanic who told me about replacing the t map sensor and "flashing" or updating the computer with new parameters for the map sensor. the ranger is scheduled to go in next week wed. for the flash providing the dealer has all the info. Also when we got the ranger back the battery light was flashing so I checked the battery, and no charge. The rectifier/regulator is bad. I swapped parts with another (it's always nice to have another exact same machine to do that) so I need to get a rectifier also. I have read alot of posts on this forum and have found some great info. any other comments/info would be appreciated.
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