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#1 Re: General Polaris Ranger and Polaris RZR Discussions » RZR 800 S Height » 2012-09-16 07:54:48

Get a Racetech lift kit i installed one on my2012 worked fine did not bind axles.I also put 28" tires on maxxis big horn 2.0 radial on a 3/5 rear wheel with a 2" spacer cleared motor mount fine

#2 Re: General Polaris Ranger and Polaris RZR Discussions » Rear noise » 2012-09-12 17:19:28

I bought a 2012 Razor 800 le model 50" if u turn left it sounds like chains going around in rear end a loud noise just left turns.I can hit 4 wheel drive button noise stops it,s new didn,t worry to much my son has a 08 model his makes noise but a new one should not no lift kit or big tires.I have since added these but no effect on noise.anyone with the same problem or a fix still under warranty but hate to take add on,s off,if this is normal  HELP

#3 Re: General Polaris Ranger and Polaris RZR Discussions » sound like chain drag » 2012-08-19 17:07:27

I just bought a 2012 RZR 800 stock tires )LE(model.if i think turning to the left in any degree a clunking noise like a chain rolling over and over just to left.It sounds as ball bearings are busting in rear end,any help or call dealer,no noise to right turn,going straight it,s ok

#4 Re: General Polaris Ranger and Polaris RZR Discussions » RZR 800 S Height » 2012-08-19 09:15:09

what is the best way to get about 3" of more clearance on my 2012 RZR.I have 26" tires on which height is 24" would it be a 2-3" lift kit or bigger tires.Bigger tires i am no fan of unless best way,if lift kit what doe,s this involve? THANKS

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