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#1 Re: General Arctic Cat Prowler Discussion » New Guy question » 2008-03-27 16:24:18

its 600 but if i were u i wouldnt go for the proler i herd that if something went wrong with it that it took a long time to get the part but i dont no i like polaris


The Ranger is  nice machine, My brother in law went with one.  I went with the Prowler..... Total cost for Ranger with new cage and seats $20,000.  Total cost for Prowler with custom cage and seats $13,000.  My Prowler has no problems keeping up with and on some hills passing the Ranger.  Parts are easy to find on-line or from the dealer, never had a problem.


#2 Re: Where to Ride? » more pics of superstition mountain » 2007-11-26 19:06:27

New Update...... Had a blast at Superstition over Thanksgiving Weekend... up until we rolled the Prowler on it's side.... nobody got hurt, but what a way to end a perfect trip........

#3 Re: Where to Ride? » Superstion Mountain » 2007-11-20 20:04:56

Going to Supertstion the is weekend.........  Who else is going to be out that way?

#4 Re: Where to Ride? » Traveling with RHINO » 2007-11-20 20:02:35

I don't know about the Rhino, but the Prowler is 9 feet long.  I use a 12 ft trailer so the quads will fit too.

#5 Re: Arctic Cat Prowler Photo Gallery » Prowler coming along nicely » 2007-11-18 22:00:32

A little advise about the top...... If you are getting the soft top, remove it before towing...... $475 buck down the drain for that mistake.

PS.  We are in San Diego... and take our Prowler to Superstion Mountain almost every weekend.

#7 Re: General Arctic Cat Prowler Discussion » Rear bumper » 2007-11-06 11:04:22

I put a rear bumper on mine.
I got it from Everything Off-Road
It is made by Trail Armor


#9 Re: General Arctic Cat Prowler Discussion » Second Battery » 2007-10-23 16:11:10

I am installing a second battery in my 07 Prowler. How do I wire it up so the stereo doesn't drain the main battery, but the second battery can still charge

#10 Re: Where to Ride? » more pics of superstition mountain » 2007-10-15 17:49:21

We will be out there Thanksgiving weekend..... should be quite a few of us.


#11 Re: The X Spot » Hello All » 2007-10-12 18:18:41

Hello all, New to this place...... looks like a good group, but needs a Arctic Cat Prowler area!!

#12 Re: Where to Ride? » Superstition Mountain - Plaster City, CA » 2007-10-12 08:11:02

This is one of my fav spots...... good terain, and wonderful for the kids.

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