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#1 Re: Goin' Riding... Who's with Me? » Moab in » 2008-10-27 20:08:16

Been excited since the date was selected Chris  big_smile  The anticipation is killing me  :?

Ryan (Fasttrax) and I will be going up American Fork Canyon tomarrow (Sat.) to test out our new intakes and his exhaust (and related jetting).  Any of you Utah guys want to go along? cmoscharlie?

Sorry I missed you.  I actually took Friday off and went up Friday to forest lake,  Silver Lake and dutchmans flat.  Work had been kinda crazy and needed a break.  Got some great pics I'll upload later. lol

#2 Re: Goin' Riding... Who's with Me? » Moab in » 2008-10-08 12:47:29

I am definatly  GOING!!!!  big_smile   As for trails I'm not familiar with Moab  :oops:  All I know is that my Polaris ranger crew is big and I don't want to flip it over big_smile .  Making Hotel reservations this week.  Let me know where were going to meet.

lol Welcome aboard Dave big_smile  (Josh and Martin going to make it?) Here is a list of those confirmed going and trails they would like to ride (I am going to list Jared because I think he is the one twisting your arm  lol). I will be riding Fir-Sat and maybe 1/2 day Sunday - not sure of others.
When any of you confirm your going - copy and paste this list in a message and add your name and any preferred trails.

Badley (Poison Spider Mesa, Hells Revenge, Fins-n-Things, Moab Rim)
Chris (ravencr)
RedMan (night run through Hidden Canyon)
RMD (Poison Spider, Moab Rim, Golden Spike, Hells Revenge, Behind the Rocks, Metal Masher, Steel Bender)
Mr. Kryptonite (anything that will flip a RZR  lol - couldn't help myself  wink )

cmoscharlie, oldtrucks  - you in?

#3 Re: Goin' Riding... Who's with Me? » Moab in » 2008-10-05 10:32:39

I'm in!!!  Just tell me the exact time and dates and where to meet.  Also any recommendations of hotels to stay at.   big_smile

#4 Re: Goin' Riding... Who's with Me? » Moab in » 2008-10-05 00:16:02

Hey!!  Can I get in on this Moab trip?  I've got a Ranger Crew!  I'm new to the forum I see some of you are from SF, so am I.  Is this a Guys only trip  lol or are some of you bringing wifes and kids.   roll

#5 Re: Where to Ride? » American Fork Canyon, Utah » 2008-09-01 08:57:28


I bought me a Polaris Ranger Crew August 21st.  On the 22nd I went up American Fork Canyon.  What a blast.  I was impressed that the Ranger Crew would climb so good.  We Went up trail #111 Mary Ellens Gultch.  We were able to see the cabin and old mineshaft from the second turn out.  However we didn't make it to the cabin physically that last .9 of a mile was really rocky and I decided not to try and go any further.  Had an awesome weekend exploring Mineral Basin and the other areas.   

Going to go across Squaw Peek to Hobble Creek in another week.  Here are Pics from my trip.


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