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Man, Thats too cool. Do you have a link to there web site or location?
Poor man's hydraulics, Just living the low life.
Turyey Bay 01/03/09
Turkey Bay 01/03/09
Side x Sides Playing.
Teryx about to roll over.
More pics.
That is my dream garage, all i need to do is win the lottery :!: .
Thanks, The Ranger and the Teryx fit on the lifts great. I wasnt sure at first but workes good.
The garage is Farmers Auro Repair. (my work) I try to keep all my personal things at home during buissiness
hours. but after 5 and on the weekends Im there. My shop at home is full of junk. good junk that is.
looks like that hole aint getting any smaller did you get it out or get pulled out ? where and what kind of video camera did you get ? looks like a good time .
Yes, It is deeper! The ice was about 2-1/2 " thick and was building up in front. We hooked a fourwheeler to it with a winch and is was pulling it in the mud so we tied the four wheeler to a tree.
I got the Go-Pro camera. Its too cool. and 100% water proof to 100 ft. (its really for the boat) But the kit comes with several diffrent mounts.helmet/ristband/qtrpanel/ect. and also works inverted! I got it at FDR. You can search go-procamera on you tube. There is tons of vids on there from this camera.
How did the jet-kit work? Mph/tourque?