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Pages: 1
looks like that hole aint getting any smaller did you get it out or get pulled out ? where and what kind of video camera did you get ? looks like a good time .
looks like that hole aint getting any smaller did you get it out or get pulled out ? where and what kind of video camera did you get ? looks like a good time .
Yes, It is deeper! The ice was about 2-1/2 " thick and was building up in front. We hooked a fourwheeler to it with a winch and is was pulling it in the mud so we tied the four wheeler to a tree.
I got the Go-Pro camera. Its too cool. and 100% water proof to 100 ft. (its really for the boat) But the kit comes with several diffrent mounts.helmet/ristband/qtrpanel/ect. and also works inverted! I got it at FDR. You can search go-procamera on you tube. There is tons of vids on there from this camera.
How did the jet-kit work? Mph/tourque?
Looks cold!
Are we camping yet?
Thants quite a hole! :twisted:
Pages: 1