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I bought an 09 Ranger XP a few weeks ago and a friend of mine bought a 2010 XP. We have both experience tremendous heat coming from between the seat and the motor case to the point of actually burning the skin on our legs while riding in shorts. We live in AZ., so it's shorts of course! I know that Polaris HQTRS is aware of the problem because my dealer called them to see if they would correct it under warranty or recall. "No" was their answer. Mostly they refuse to admit a problem, but they do offer an under the dash kit and a seat seal kit for a total of $150. I won't be refering anymore friends to buy a Ranger until they fix this problem. If anyone asks how I like my Ranger, I tell them about the heat issue.
Still looking for a sport top for my Ranger. Anyone out there got one that they are parting out due to a mishap?
I always carry my Kimber .45 cal., you won't need a permit for AZ., just carry it out in the open on your hip. I have an AZ. CCW, New York State CCW and I am retired Federal LE, so I am covered in any state, just haven't figured out how to get it to Alaska.
I ride with several Viet Nam Vets and they are all armed to the teeth, no problem. As far as CA. goes, leave your SxS home! Can't ride anywhere.
I am looking to buy a hard top for my new 09 Ranger XP that came with a bimini top. I have found one from a 2005 Ranger, cheap! Does anyone out there know if it will fit mine?
A friend of mine bought a 2010 for $10,800 and I bought an 09 for $9999 base price, loaded with $3800 of accessories. You will probably have to drop to around $8400 to sell it. That's just the nature of the market.
Has anyone out there heard of the state of AZ. using specific OHV funds for other than hiring law enforcement to monitor the trails, develope new trails or maintaining the old trails?
I have recently heard, (but not seen) of a story about the Governor borrowing OHV funds to build "ATV Barriers". Now my understanding of the OHV Law and fees there of were to be used soley pro ATV, not anti-ATV. Can anyone shed light on this?
In all my excitement, It was a mispell. Should be XP, I used to own a Can Am HO MAX XT so that is probably where it came from.
I love my 09 Ranger and have no regrets about buying it. No problems to date except a little excessive heat from under the dash. My dealer says he can fix that the next time I bring it in. I do all of my own maintenance so it may be awhile till I get in there. It is very easy to work on. I have been up and down some real nasty hills and rocks and I haven't even been close to a roll over. Your wife can feel very safe in a Ranger, just use common sense that's all. I was like you when I was looking for a SxS. I test drove them all and eliminated all but the Prowler and the Ranger. I liked them both, except I have been reading about some Prowler issues, both with their warranties, ability to get parts and reports of non-warranty coverage of clutches, etc. some overheating problems as well. Figured I'd wait and see if they get them worked out. In the meantime, I bought a Ranger XP 700. It has done everything I have asked of it.
On weekends I ride in the Sonoita area between I-10 and Sonoita on Hwy 83, or up in back of the Huachuca Mts, Patagonia, Benson, etc.
I also make about 8-10 trips a year for 7-10 days at a time. On these trips I go with others to Quartzite, Munds Park x 2, Eagar, Jacob Lake, Florence, Crown King, Williams.
I just bought my 09 Ranger XT and I have to say, the heat from under the dash is HOT!!!!!!!!! I'm in Arizona and you don't need that heat when out in 95-100 degree heat as it is. Will be very anxious to see how they solve it. I want that kit when it comes out.
Hello, just found out about this site and it really rocks! Hope to see some of you out on the trail.
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