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Here is a link to our 4x4 club that just did the trail: … ntry123066
I don't think you have to be signed up to view it...if you can't let me know
Need to be signed up to view.
It's worth signing up for. There are pics and videos of the trip.
You don't have to pay anything but if you do you will get access to the trail maps section which is very much worth the money.
Great pics thanks for letting us in on them
I was just getting my stuff together for this, And thought I better through in my( RUTHLESS MOTOR SPORTS ) recovery kit. See you all there. Drive safe .
How many machines we up to?
We have 7 "for sures" at the moment. 8) Still taking applications for position #8 if anyone else wants in.
Looks like My son and I are in will bring my rzs .
no clue what place, thinking maybe someplace none of us have been to.. surprise for all of us??
That sounds like a good trip..
What's up steve! I wish I could make this trip, can you join us in august rockrazor?? Sould be able to make it just keep me posted . Do you even have a idea of what place you are going. 8)
Oh, and what the heck is with that avatar coreshot??
If we get some people that want to come up, let's just plan on a BBQ Friday night. Kind of a pre run party...
Thats sounds like a great idea!
Who's in?
No( Black Cherry) J.B Let me know if you need me to bring something.
Sounds like I better break out the rz4 and head to Utah for the weekend.
great pic, I think it is time for the air shock and axles and go to 32in. tires
Can't wait to see that Video, This Steve in the RZ4 guided with Gabe and Cory. What a great time .
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