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i am trying to find out how to change the mph display from km/h to mph
With the key off press and hold the TRIP/ODO button and turn the key on at the same time.
08 700Fi Rhino Yahama SE . . . . . . [img][/img] . . . . . . 08 Nissan Titan PRO4X
(2) 09 Yamaha Grizzly 550. 05 Arctic Cat ZR900 snopro. 05 Honda CBR600RR. 02 Yamaha Raptor 660. 03 Honda R12X Aquatrax. 93 Honda 300EX.
93 Arctic Cat Thundercat 900. 10 Jeep Wrangler Mountain......
thank you it worked great
Im so dumb to knowing doing this luckily to find this thread.
Pages: 1