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Hey who is coming to the Jam this year?
We exepct around 600 riders this year.
Can-AM and Yamaha will be there as major sponsors with a bunch of other supporting Sponsors and Vendors.
If you want to check out the new Commander this is your chance.
I might even let you drive my Ciommander 1000.
We'll be there with bells on the 9th til the 16th, then off to Wyoming and Idaho.
[font=Comic Sans MS:8fcf60835c]We will be there along with 24 other members of Utah sXs Group. Home base at the Jamboree for our members will be South Forty RV Park.[/font:8fcf60835c]
To Old To Walk It, Hike It, Bike It, so I'll Ride It!
I will be there with the family and some friends.
I have been told that the UTVJam in Marysvale will be the last opportunity people in Utah will have to ride a Commander this year.
Can-AM will be here with a truck load of Commanders to ride.
If you want to ride one you should make it ot the UTV Jamboree.
Wish I could make it :cry: I drove one at the Salt Lake dealer, but the test tack was too short :? Would love a chance to drive yours So what are you doing with the S? What are you thoughts on the Commander? Will you miss the S suspension?