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Any info on making a 2007 660 street legal?, pictures, suggestions, etc.?
Check with ruthless motor sports they have the best kit out there
We do have a great kit! If you are looking for a great looking street legal kit with quality parts this is the kit for you. We even have them on sale right now.
Check out this link----->STREET LEGAL KIT
Do you have any questions that we can answer for you?
Shop: 801-737-6400
Cell: 435-851-3637
It's very easy with the simple "Ruthless kit" that has everything for the Utah laws. I had my 06' 660 street legal and now my RZR4 both with the Ruthless kit.
You can try and retro-fit but by the time you buy the wire, track down the correct switches and determine where and how you come out with less quality. If you need help Jared is always there to help too.
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