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The first grand national cross country utv race of the year is march 12 at Aonia Pass Georgia, the race starts at 4:30 pm, but be there at least acouple hours early to register if you want to race. It's a big race, and registration takes awhile so leave lots of time.
Georgia GNCC race results.
[overall top 5]
1)polaris national guard / polaris
2)custom night krawlers/ can am
3)polaris rath / polaris
4)team travalena/ can am
5)racing clark bros/ polaris
[utv lites class winner] racing rms/ kawasaki
[open mod class winner] polaris national guard/ polaris
[open limited class winner] team travalena/ can am
[single seat class winner] john trackside/ honda pilot
There were 45 entries and only 3 dnf's, the leaders did 8 laps in just over an hour. Some day i will do more than just watch, and wish i was still racing.