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As far as I know, AZ is the only state where you can run these on the street. ANyone know why?
I'm in CO and would really like to be bale to take this on the street the legal way. ANyone know how to get a permit or license to run these on the street? more damn toy to mod. :-)
You really need to check with your local DMV for thier requirements and then with any local law enforcement if you really want to cover your bases. Dont forget Arizona is still one of the last true old west areas where we do what we want still J/K. Good luck on it...
In Utah, I have contacted the dept of Motor vehicles about this. I can put turn sign, mirrors, windshields and DOT tires and they still will not allow them, It's faster than the 50cc scooter you see in the 45 mile hr zone I see constantly.....why? Their reply..... It has been listed as off-road by the manufacturer therefore it will only be offroad. GEE THANKS! :twisted:
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I looked into it. There are so many limitations in Utah with farm plates. I would like to pursue the street legal idea by completly doing a DOT approved Rhino. If I could prove they was as safe as a small car or moped, I can't see much of a fight. I would love to be limited to 40 mph or less roads.
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Didn't the Utah State Leg. look at a bill allowing ATV's on slower streets?
Didn't the Utah State Leg. look at a bill allowing ATV's on slower streets?
I heard something about this too. Anyone know what happened?
I was talking with the head of UHP and the dept. of Motor vwhicles and they have concluded as long as they are classified as "off road" that is where they will stay. I can't see how a scooter can be allowed as small as they are and powerless can be allowed but not a vehicle almost the size of a mini cooper be held back? I say we petition the Utah state gov!
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