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Hi there I am looking to buy a side by side for trail riding in the south east. I had some one who owned an 800 recommend the 570 saying his friend beats him in the mud. I am curious how the two compare on tight trails. I am most concerned with turning radius for the switchbacks and power/torque for the hill climbs. Most of our trails here don't allow a running start so having a strong holeshot is often a boon. I am wondering if it is worth giving up some turning radius for the extra power. Also I am interested in the difference in center of gravity and roll cages (the stock 570 doesn't look like it will take a roll well... I am planning on riding this thing hard and will probably roll it more than once. Top speed is not really a big deal to me but acceleration is. I'm sure the 570's low range has enough torque to do some crawling but will it let you get up enough speed to cover mid hill obstacles? Also does the extra weight of the larger ATV help or hurt up clay hills? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I have had a RZR and a Ranger XP800. If you are doing the trails and hills, I would recommend the RZR with the 800cc engine. Sharp turning, almost too sharp, and lots of power for hills and mud. I had mine stuck once because I had left a ball hitch on the back and it got caught. The Ranger will do good, but not as well as a RZR. Just my 2 cents.
The Kennedy's and their cars have killed more people then my guns.
Right now I am leaning toward the RZR S as a trade off between the 50" RZR and the 64" xp I am interested to hear how well they handle tight switchbacks also if the 50" RZR 800 is any more top heavy than the 570. The 50" would be a lot easier on the wallet but I am afraid I will regret not getting the S. I would hate to spend this much money and have regrets. Also I am interested in opinions on the power steering ie is it so hard to steer the standard that its worth adding parts that can break. Also what happens when the EPS goes out. is it harder to steer than the standard model or the same. I am a big guy (6' 285 lbs) and I currently ride an arctic cat 400 4x4 so I am used to something that gives you a workout in tight turns.