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I want to get a Crow 4 point Harness should I get 2" or 3" Harness straps.
I was thinking maybe a 3" waist belt and 2" shoulder belts?
Also, Is there a better way to attach the shoulder straps to the Rhino without a Harness bar?
Thanks in advance
I have really loved my 2" x 3" setup. They seem to be perfect for me. I have not tried a 3" shoulder to compare but the 2" are very comfortable. One suggestion though: Get sewn in pads, it is well worth the little extra money. The harness bar is really the way to go for propper belt placement. I have a black rhino performance bar for sale if you are interested in it.
How much do these harness cost?
Go with Jareds harness bar and the 2 x 3's. I have the Simpson setup with the BRP bar and it is a great, comfortable setup.
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