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Julian Mule = RZR Killer (at least in the tug-o-war) Good to see you here Julian!
Timgco I am go for another trip to Moab... please invite me
Chris, do you have a job? Or just spend all of your vacation on Rally stuff?? :?
Chris, do you have a job? Or just spend all of your vacation on Rally stuff?? :?
Yes, after putting on the Rally last year, I got a job with UTV Off-Road Magazine, but I still put on the UTV Rally separate from the magazine.
UTV Rally -
I am going to be putting together a slideshow of the UTV Rally put to music. Anyone that is interested in having still pictures in the slideshow please email them to me I know that there are a lot of pictures posted up everywhere but if you have a few specific pictures that you would like in the slideshow send them in. I am also looking for a few "nature" shots without sidexsides in them.
Thank You...
Also I would like to thank Badley "Brad" for shooting a lot of the video footage that was used in both part one and part two. That new sony is amazing! (now that we know how it works lol) We all really appreciate your skills.
UTV Meyhem, I am looking forward to your footage/pictures as well. Your last DVD is awesome as well!!! Keep it up! It was nice to meet and ride with you and your girl.
What all has been done to that red rzr with the girl in it?
I am going to be putting together a slideshow of the UTV Rally put to music. Anyone that is interested in having still pictures in the slideshow please email them to me I know that there are a lot of pictures posted up everywhere but if you have a few specific pictures that you would like in the slideshow send them in. I am also looking for a few "nature" shots without sidexsides in them.
Thank You...
Also I would like to thank Badley "Brad" for shooting a lot of the video footage that was used in both part one and part two. That new sony is amazing! (now that we know how it works lol) We all really appreciate your skills.
UTV Meyhem, I am looking forward to your footage/pictures as well. Your last DVD is awesome as well!!! Keep it up! It was nice to meet and ride with you and your girl.
i will email some cool pics i have to you. thanks Jared, it was a super fun trip, you guys made that trail your bitch!!!
07 660 rhino, XMF +6 LT, WER, XMF 4 seat cage w cooler and tire rack, XMF roof and doors, XMF front & rear bumpers, XMF windshield, UTV Crap sheave, uni intake, Pro Shop dyno tuned, ITP T7 beadlocks, bighorns, ipod stereo, BS Sand custom alligator seats,
What all has been done to that red rzr with the girl in it?
I am not sure about all the mods, but I do know it has the roll mod... Twice! As for the other mod... I think it is called the "hot chick mod" :shock:
She drives (er flies) too ! :shock:
You are welcome Jared. The only problem - I didn't get much footage of me :cry: You should have all the stills I shot - look foward to the vid. Also looking foward to Blake's new DVD - I think he will have some Moab footage for the new UTV Mayhem
Chris, read your articles on "Soboba Grand Prix" and the "Race RZR". Nice work, look foward to more.
What all has been done to that red rzr with the girl in it?
So far the only things that have been done to it are 2" wheel spacers all around with offset rims, 5 point harness setup, and thats it. It was brand new right before this Moab trip. There will be some changes coming up real soon As for the "hot chick" mod.... it has and always will be the most expensive mod out there! lol
At the dinner on Friday night
The forum banner on the wall
On Hells Revenge
Jeremy and his 2 broken axles, tie rod and broken stearing box...
What kind of tires are on that RZR? Are they good for rock crawling?
This was our first UTV rally, and after this experience, it is definitely not our last. Chris, Michelle, Kyle, and the rest did an absolutely outstanding job of organizing this event. Even if the trails had been "just like home," which they weren't, the organization was fantastic.
The trails were, well, outrageous. We had carnage, both on the trail and in the arena (gonna learn whoa one of these days), but no one got hurt, and the fun was out of this world.
This evening I saw Chris' appeal for all of us to post on the Moab newspaper website; done!
I am almost old enough to own a Corvette, but with this UTV, no need!
Keep on rocking, guys and gals!
UTV Rally - April 21-24th, 2010
Bob and Terry
2008 Prowler 650XT
Warn 3000 lb. winch
Multiple store-bought and home-made extras; barrel-racing mods have been removed!
Thanks to all those that have posted on the Time Independent website. I do have a problem I need to figure out though, which is if anyone knows if the 4 UTV's listed in this article were indeed a part of the Rally: … &open=&
If so, all I'd ask is that whoever they are whether anonymously or out in the open apologize for running this bicyclist off the road. It's all we can do at this point, and I can only hope it was an accident or not with our group. But, I did have to deal with this during the Rally with the local law enforcement, but I couldn't identify who it was. Any help and owning up would be greatly appreciated.
UTV Rally -
Thanks for posting this. It only takes a few yahoos to ruin everyone elses time and in an area that is sensitive to insensitive behavior it can escalate quickly. Let's all take the advice of the gentlemen that was run off of the road and try to police our own kind.
After I came home from the rally I was asked how it was and what my strongest impressions of the rally were. As I recounted to others, my single biggest impression was just how darn nice everyone involved with the rally was. It might sound strange, but in any large gathering there is usually a fairly large percentage of people that are just not nice people. I didn't find that in Moab. I've attended truck events, hot rod events, motorcycle rallies, etc. This was by far the nicest collective group of people I've seen at an event. Let's do our best to keep this impression going so that this sport/recreation can be seen in a positive light and let's let those that we find sullying the name of UTV riders know our displeasure with their behavior on the spot.
Just my .02
The Wheels on "The Bus" go round and round... round and round... round and round...
This was our first UTV rally, and after this experience, it is definitely not our last. Chris, Michelle, Kyle, and the rest did an absolutely outstanding job of organizing this event. Even if the trails had been "just like home," which they weren't, the organization was fantastic.
The trails were, well, outrageous. We had carnage, both on the trail and in the arena (gonna learn whoa one of these days), but no one got hurt, and the fun was out of this world.
This evening I saw Chris' appeal for all of us to post on the Moab newspaper website; done!
I am almost old enough to own a Corvette, but with this UTV, no need!
Keep on rocking, guys and gals!
Bob and Terry, It is good to see you on sidexsideforum!
I will be laughing about this for a long time! "I am almost old enough to own a Corvette, but with this UTV, no need!" lmao!
Does this look familiar?
Thanks for the entertainment on the barrel racing! If you dont know who I am I was the one that rolled after the barrel racing was over. :shock: The events on Friday were a blast.
Thanks to all those that have posted on the Time Independent website. I do have a problem I need to figure out though, which is if anyone knows if the 4 UTV's listed in this article were indeed a part of the Rally: … &open=&
This is unfortunate... I hate to see this kind of talk in the news. It is my guess but I think these 4 UTV's were not part of the Rally. Those involved in the Rally did a great job respecting those we came in contact with and also the city of Moab from what I saw. If anyone has any information please help Chris and the rest of us out. -Jared