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Never Give Up. Never Surrender.
Where did you get your doors from?
Hey there....
That's really a sharp lookin`ride! Like how you beefed up the roll cage and those seats sure look inviting!
Where did you get your doors from?
They aren’t doors. They are just Leg Minder’s made by Hype Manufacturing Industries in Corona, California.
Never Give Up. Never Surrender.
Hey there....
That's really a sharp lookin`ride! Like how you beefed up the roll cage and those seats sure look inviting!
Thank you.
We hade a very bad experience were we roll it with four of us in it. The Ranger got destroyed. When I rebuild it, I want it to be sure that if it happens again whomever is inside will be safe. I didn’t want the responsibility of passengers so I took out the back seats.
Never Give Up. Never Surrender.
That is a good looking machine, What do you have in it know if you don't mind me asking.
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.
This is a list of all the upgrades on the Ranger. I have close too 25K invested in it. That is with me doing all the custom work on it.
ITP 14" wheels,
ITP Mud Lite Tires,
Spare Wheel & Tire,
2" Lift,
Wheel Spacers all around,
BMP Full Velocity Exhaust System,
Dynojet EFI Controller,
K & N Air Filter,
Dragon Fire Performance Clutch,
Dragon Fire Performance Belt,
Koso Air/Fuel Ratio Gage,
Vapor Kit Speedo/Tach Unit,
Hella 4000 Euro Lights,
Diamond Plated Bed,
Large Off Road Jack,
Fire Extinguisher,
Spare Gas Tank,
2 Storage Boxes on Bed,
Crown 4 Point Seat Belts,
Neri Style Custom Seats,
Neri Style Canvas Top,
Hype Manufacturing Sport Cage,
Hype Manufacturing Front & Rear Bumpers,
Aluminum Radiator Stone Guard,
Diamond Plated Under Carriage,
Diamond Plated Front & Rear Axle Guards,
Custom Hood,
$3,000.00 Custom Paint,
Turn Signals,
GPS Mount,
Electric Horn,
Never Give Up. Never Surrender.
That is a one hell of an inventory, It really looks good.
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.
Thank you for the complement, we are very proud of it has come out on three different magazines already.
Unfortunately we have too many toys and I need to down sise. We have opted to sale the Ranger this is the link to it if anyone is interested.
Never Give Up. Never Surrender.
It is a shame that you are selling it, If you need to sell it fast you should post it also on PRC.COM, They will respect it over there as well. it is all Polaris people over there and there may be a person or two that would like a new replacement or an up grade, it really seems priced well for what you have in it, it is just a thought to get it sold for you. :cry: .
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.
Thanks for the input, I have on PRC already. Great site.
Never Give Up. Never Surrender.
You are welcome and also if you have not done it yet put it in cycletrader as well, a lot of people looking for used equipment go there first and also try craigs list, i know of people that use that service as well, a friend gets all his rhino parts from them. :!:
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.
I also place a few adds with them. Lets see what happens.
Thanks again.
Never Give Up. Never Surrender.
Hope it goes well and good luck.
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.
Very classy! Good luck on the sale.