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That makes sense! Have you heard any changes regarding out of state folks being able to be street legal? We are still working on trying to get some type of 4 day permit that folks can purchase, if you are from out of state but have the turn signals and other required equipment.
05 660 rhino
09 rzr s
If you meet the street legal requirements for Utah but have a valid drivers license (over 16) you could mabey get away with it, having your state license plate too. Cali doesn't have street legal permits yet do they?
Are we camping yet?
Probably never be street legal here in cali.
05 660 rhino
09 rzr s
The list of reciprocating states (on the street legal side) is not published yet.
Probably won't see that until after July 1.
Looking into my Crystal ball I see Cali letting UTVs be street legal in 20233455576777377277274712.
So you've got that going for you.
Moab might be able to issue special permits but the Arena for the rally is not inside city limits
so I think the permit would have to come from the county and the city would have to agree.
The kicker here is whether they let the Jeep Safari have such a permit. If they do they can't deny the rally.
City leo's have actually been easier to deal with......shocker huh?
05 660 rhino
09 rzr s
Has anyone tried going anywhere like Moab being street legal yet in Utah?
I know Jared posted McDonalds but where?
Are we camping yet?
I was street legal in Moab last November.
I had no problems and rode all over town.
Even went from the Super8 to Hells Revenge, did a midnight ride, and rode back through
town at at 2am. Moab is seriously deserted at 2am.
The only place you cannot ride is right down main street since it is four lanes.
This means that getting from in town to Gemini Bridge/Arches RV park is not possible
because the road is more than one lane each direction and no other route exists.
Correct. City leo's said they have folks riding in town and they have not had any issues. Folks are getting used to seeing them running around.
05 660 rhino
09 rzr s
Are we camping yet?
i ride mine every were up in cache county main is a state highway four lane and i drive it every chance i get. i think i have the only rhino up hear that is legal. i havent seen any others.
Be careful, the law specifically prohibits you from any HWY with more than one lane in each direction.
Moab has briefed all of their officers so its only a matter of time before some LEO decides to enforce it.
Totally depends on the local attitude.
The new law also requires that you stay to the far right if the posted limits is OVER 45.
You cannot exceed 45 no matter what.
most of the cops i know and pull next to me and wave. i have even had the uhp pull behind me at lights and nothing happens. if i do get pulled over i will play the dumb card.
Well I am not going to pay for a MC license if we don't need one after July 1st.
No MC license for me either, however it would be fun to see the look everyone's eyes if several of us showed up with our machines for a driving test.
I'm staying away from you guys.
You will clearly be a hazard on the road without an MC license.
Of course I have had mine since 1980 so "I'm a very good driver".