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I believe it is about time for another great ride with our awesome friends here. Many of us have previously talked about both Sand Hollow and Mesquite in February. Either place would be awesome, however we need someone familiar with Mesquite to step forward and lead if we go there.
It's time to make a decision, it's time to take a poll. I will leave the poll open until Jan 21st. I believe we should shoot for the weekend of February 18-21st.
If anyone has any other suggestions please speak up immediately.
I'm in Brad, do you think they will charge us for a two day pass even if we stay for one day,
. Way to go BLM :evil: :evil: :evil: .
I'm in Brad, do you think they will charge us for a two day pass even if we stay for one day,
. Way to go BLM :evil: :evil: :evil: .
Sand Hollow or Mesquite?
I'm in Brad, do you think they will charge us for a two day pass even if we stay for one day,
. Way to go BLM :evil: :evil: :evil: .
Sand Hollow or Mesquite?
Mesquite sounds great! Sand Hollow works too! Either way I will be eating in Mesquite!
All this talk about Mesquite, is making me hungry.
My vote is that we eat something flavored with Mesquite!
I will do either - I have free lodging in St. George Always like Sand Hollow... what kind of riding in Mesquite? I am in for all you can eat Crab night with Jared
I will be "Jeep'n" at Sand Hollow and on the trails Feb 12th & 13th...too bad you all won't be there
they call me MAGNUM
"My-Side-x-Side" 2-seat mini rail with a Yamaha 700 Mtn Max Sled Motor...yea, it's fast
We are good to go! Have you decided where we are going yet?
Either venue will work just fine for us. Thursday night is most likely out, so we will be coming down Friday morning the 19th.
It appears we are most likely headed to the Mesquite area. Ryan and I were talking today and figured we could leave the afternoon of the 19th, ride Sat & Sun, and return home on Monday. How does this sound?
BTW, seems we are short a trail guide, therefore I've been searching for trails in the area. Thus far, I've identified the Logandale trail system. It is outside of Mesquite somewhere. I'll keep searching for other areas (hoping for a few options for us to choose from).
Sounds great!
We are good to go!
I have been looking on google earth at a lot of trails. We might be able to ride out of mesquite to a area called devils cove on the edge of lake mead. I would like to find old ghost towns or something different but game for anything.
Brad needs to make a call to our family tour guide for more info. Our guide most likely has more miles on a ATV then in a vehicle down a paved highway.
Are we camping yet?
Okay...Last night I visited our family guide who Ryan refers to (our uncle Bud). He and his wife said that the Logandale trails were really fun and offered some variety in riding conditions, I.e. Sand, Climbing, etc.. He said that if we rode all the trails, we could likely consume several hours or more dependant on how many breaks we take and much sightseeing we do. There are supposed to be some petroglyphs in the area too.
I'm thinking we ride that on Saturday and maybe head back to Sand Hollow for a Sunday ride. How does this sound? Please share your thoughts and ideas.
That sounds great! Let’s do it!
I have reserved a condo for Feb. 26 and 27th. Jana has a dental convention the week before she can not miss. Sounds like everyone (Fastrax, Brad777, Mr.K) is good to change to that week except zrated (maybe Amy can work some magic ). I am planning on bringing my son and family and possibly Steve and Cindy. If they do not come I will have more room. Is everyone still in? Stoneman? Ride Sat. in Mesquite (eat crab buffet that night) and Sunday at Sand Hollow. What do you think?