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Starred at google earth for a while this morning and read some forums w/ pics. Definetly rock crawling for those wanting it, who isn't?
Im game you know that! Just wondering how we are going to find it/get arround???
p.s. I remeber in a past post "somewhere" you or your bro mentioned that you would take care of figuring it all out for us! ha ha ha
I will map out the most dusty boring trail that I can find. I need maps first.
Are we camping yet?
Hows the map situation coming Ryan/Brad???
Zrated is out! Said he is sick (cold), scheduled surgery delayed a week... all the best for a speedy recovery Dave!
I think this means we are down to:
Kryptonite + 1 (machine)
Badley + 1
Fasttrax + quads
Brad 777 + quads
8 machines-did I forget anyone?
I plan to head down Thursday night, so I can ride Friday. Anyone have the plan?
Don't be surprised if more doesn't show up for Logandale. There is a person of interest that may be able to show us around that lives there, along with some from surrounding areas possibly.
Looks like a great area and there is alot to see and do there. I know where we are going but not sure of the trail map yet. Looks fun from the photo's, not too worried.
Are we camping yet?
I will be coming down Thursday night also.
I will be coming down Thursday night also.
Hey what are your hotel plans?
Looking forward to seeing the turbo go!!!
Zrated is out! Said he is sick (cold)
WHAT??? How can ya tell that a cold that you have nearly 2 weeks before the trip is going to keep you from the trip? :shock:
Whats the story Dave?
I was sick all last week, I couldn't schedule myself a day off until Monday.
Are we camping yet?
I haven't made any yet! I am planning on stay in Mesquite someplace Thursday night and then probaly in Hurricane on Fri/Sat. I probably ought to get something book. I have to get the street legal kit put on saturday and then inspected. I hope to get it liscensed before thursday but may end up thursday morning on my way out of town gettting that taken care of. I will be there for sure!!!
Check with the comfort in in hurricane. For 59 a night it wasn't bad or days inn is cheaper but not great reviews. Should be able to stay in mesquite with cheap rooms.
Are we camping yet?
Zrated is out! Said he is sick (cold)
WHAT??? How can ya tell that a cold that you have nearly 2 weeks before the trip is going to keep you from the trip? :shock:
Whats the story Dave?
Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your tone???
You will pay for your insolence! :twisted:
Ok, here is how it’s gone down…
I was scheduled to have minor surgery Wednesday (2 days ago) and be released from the hospital on Thursday. That would have given me one week of recovery, (Far less than the doctor wanted). I figured since Brutus rides so nice now (Thanks to Badley & Jared) it would be fine.
The problem is that I caught a bad chest cold 4 days before surgery was scheduled. I talked to them the day before, and they said no way. They bumped me one week. That would mean leaving for St George the same day they release me from the hospital. Now I have been know to do stupid things on occasion, but that is too much for even me!
Now, unless I can kick my cold by Tuesday afternoon, they will bump me again!
That is only 4 days from now, and this thing is still kickin’ my butt!
This is one wicked cold! Maybe it is the Cat Flu, or maybe the Goat Flu!
The good news is that my voice sounds like a mixture of Vin Diesel and Barry White!
It drives the ladies wild!!!
I sound like a cross between Barry White and Brian Adams - I think it is driving the ladies away You must have the same cold I have. So if they bump your surgery then your comming... right?
I sound like a cross between Barry White and Brian Adams - I think it is driving the ladies away You must have the same cold I have. So if they bump your surgery then your comming... right?
Oh my gosh yes!!!
I really hope to just get it over with, but if I'm bumped again, I'M THERE!