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"Someone" left the key in the on position and nearly drained the battery. When I tried to start it, it clicked, but was unable to turn over, thus draining the rest of the juice left in the battery. I charged the battery and now the dashboard display only shows a blinking "E". Does any body know what happened and how to fix it? :cry:
The dash was fried. I took it in and had to have it replaced. It was covered under warranty. When I tried to start the rhino that last time the battery was so discharged it wouldn't turn the engine over, however it somehow had enough juice to cause the hour meter chip inside to fry. Fried hour meter chip, no work.
Did they say what caused this to happen?
What type of charger and how many amps did you use to recharge the battery? Did you leave the key on while it was charging by mistake? Other than that I have no idea of what could have happened.