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I've been hearing the sidexside crowd talking about putting the 2.2L 4 cylinder out of the Cavalier/Cobalt in a Ranger Crew. Right now I have a Transmule 3010 to haul my family around and we are going to be going to the dunes more so I was thinking about getting a Crew because the Mule just won't cut it and if the engine swap is possible i will probably buy a used Crew if I going to chop it up if not I was just gonna buy a new crew.
Sounds like a project Would you upgrade the drivetrain or see if stock would handle the power?
Not sure what the change over would be but I am sure that the 100+ horse power would start breaking stuff like rear ends and transmissions, The loss through the belt system may save it though. I cant see the engine fitting under the seat though. I Would like to see pictures on this though.
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.
sorry? I wasn't really clear. I was actually asking if anybody has seen or heard of this swap or had any info on it. I've put a 800 polaris twin in a sport 400 quad so I thought I would be capable of doing it I just wouldn't want to start a project that big without some input from somebody who has done or seen it. And by the way the 800 twin in the quad was badass for the first 100 yards or so until I started to really get on it thats when I was made aware very violently that the clutch on the snowmobile engine contracts faster than the hub on the quad tranny expands and the belt got so tight that it broke the crankshaft right at the engine case so now I need to rebuild the engine and solve that problem
Sorry about the failure :shock: , As of installing the 4 cylinder auto engine there would be lots of obstacles that would have to be meet. One would be the lack of room and the other would be the drive line holding up. I have not seen one done the way you were saying but i have heard of 100+ HP rotax engines being used very successfully In ranger Xp's and the RZR :idea: .
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.
I have not seen one done the way you were saying but i have heard of 100+ HP rotax engines being used very successfully In ranger Xp's and the RZR :idea: .
Got any pics of those set ups???? :twisted:
If it's not fun why do it?
I would stay away from car motors they are heavy and bulky. look in to a bike motor Yamaha R1 or a Honda CBR1000, and there are always wrecked bikes on Ebay most wrecked bikes still have good motors just need clutch covers and shifters most crank cases and cylinders are unharmed. One thing to remember is all the wiring that goes with the motor has to fit in the side x side, bikes have very little wiring compared to a car.
08 700Fi Rhino Yahama SE . . . . . . [img][/img] . . . . . . 08 Nissan Titan PRO4X
(2) 09 Yamaha Grizzly 550. 05 Arctic Cat ZR900 snopro. 05 Honda CBR600RR. 02 Yamaha Raptor 660. 03 Honda R12X Aquatrax. 93 Honda 300EX.
93 Arctic Cat Thundercat 900. 10 Jeep Wrangler Mountain......
There was a company at the moab UTV Rally last year that made a Ranger clone.
It had a small 4cyl they said was the same as was in the Geo Metro.
It fit well, was really quiet and had tons of torque.
He also claimed it was getting like 40 mpg.
It was well made, seemed like a nice setup.
putting an ecotec in a ranger can be done I have done 2 of them and have had good luck. and it all fits under the seat.
do you have any pics or know if there's somebody that will do it cause if somebody will do it for me for a decent price I'd save myself the trouble and just pay for it. Can you still run the 4wd cause I've heard there's not enough room for the front driveshaft
call me 602-696-5875
call me 602-696-5875
So is this some top secret deal. Do you have any pics of the install so we can see how it is done so we all can see it :?: . there is barley enough room for the Polaris engine and find it hard to believe that a full size 4 cyl auto engine could fit under the seat without extensive modifications :?: .
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.
it takes fab work on the frame to make it fit. i use sled clutches and have a piece made to bolt on the crank to accept the clutch and run a sled belt. i run a stand alone delphi electronics. no more leg heat (ye ha) because the exhaust goes straight out the back. i relocat the fuel tank to the left side. replace the fuel pump with a high presure one but still in the tank. i have a way of making the 4x4 work but have not had anyone want me to do it. it does not use as much fuel as the 700 did under normal riding. because it does not work. it will ony do about 65mph but it gets there quick (wheelie quick).
The side x side comunity demands pictures of this install or else we are prepared to unleash our secret weapon,
........................... uummmm ..............eerrrrrr
..................... :shock: kittens with guns.
Trust me, you dont want that.
08 700Fi Rhino Yahama SE . . . . . . [img][/img] . . . . . . 08 Nissan Titan PRO4X
(2) 09 Yamaha Grizzly 550. 05 Arctic Cat ZR900 snopro. 05 Honda CBR600RR. 02 Yamaha Raptor 660. 03 Honda R12X Aquatrax. 93 Honda 300EX.
93 Arctic Cat Thundercat 900. 10 Jeep Wrangler Mountain......
OK i am rolling. Do you work for Disney.
2003 Ford F350 Superduty FX4 Lariat, Banks Kit.
2003 Rampage 365 Toy Hauler.
2005 Ranger Xp, Sp belt, EPI Clutch Kit, Sp Ecu.
2001 Honda XR650R With Go Fast Kit.
All data and information provided from my postings is for informational purposes only. Rangerdalexp makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis used for reference only.