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#1 Re: Events, Rallies, & Races » The Baja GRAPE ADVENTURE, April 27-29 » 2012-04-25 10:12:00

Is this the same guy that screwed everyone over last year?

#3 Re: The X Spot » WildCats At Sand Mountain, Little Sahara! » 2011-11-03 09:08:48

hey zrated how was it when you drove it? seems like u have a lot to say but didnt say how it was for you behind the wheel. do u own a xp to compare it to?

#4 Re: General Discussion about Yamaha Rhinos » Street Legal Rhino » 2011-03-06 12:21:44

Check with ruthless motor sports they have the best kit out there

#5 Re: General Polaris Ranger and Polaris RZR Discussions » What are they up to now? » 2011-02-09 01:45:02

one year before. R and D had to of been working on it for a while, I am sure it was aa marketing ploy to find user type and expectations. They also asked what you would you pay for such a vehicle, I should of said 12k instead of what thy go for now.

One day Yamaha wil get back into it.

I went through the same type of interview and basically I said a RZR can not do the job Of a Ranger XP or HD and the ranger Xp can also only do 2/3rds of what the RZR was built for. As fare as I am concerned the Ranger Crew is the only more then 3 passenger vehicle built and the RZR-4 is a vehicle for small people and is only good for that. I am personally not sure why Polaris built or wasted money on it and it could easily have been out done with a well modified Ranger Crew instead. The Rzr Crew is seated for 200 lbs people at best and the 50 inch wheel base is none existent with it so why not have more wheelbase with the ranger then try to blow up a RZR :?: .

they did it because people like "sport" to their ride even while hauling 4 people. it was not a waste of money but you already know that. look how many of them there are out there. way more than the ranger crew. dont get me wrong rangers have their place but the fun factor is not near as high

#7 Re: Rally on the Rocks » Title Sponsor » 2011-02-08 01:07:08

sweet cant wait to see who it is

#10 Re: General Polaris Ranger and Polaris RZR Discussions » Tire pressure for sand? » 2010-10-09 20:22:42

5 for me with baja cross

On a side note are you running the new 28" bajas?

no i wish they were not out yet

#12 Re: Where to Ride? » Side x side through North Central Idaho » 2010-10-09 20:20:48

and whats the deal with the little house thing

#15 Re: Where to Ride? » This makes me sick... » 2010-10-09 20:17:55

what some stupid ass people.  :evil:  i will find a video to send them. lol

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